Important News for the 2024-2025 Track and Field Season Parents & Athletes!
1. Please sign up for the 2024-2025 Track and Field season Booster Club!
- By becoming a booster club member, you are helping to provide support for our coaches and athletes througout the season.
- Membership is only $65 for the 2024-2025 Track Year!
- Includes one FREE BOOSTER T-shirt (logo above; you choose Long or Short Sleeve!)
- Additional shirts can be ordered for $20/each when you register.
Payment is via our secure PayPal account. You may login to your PayPal account or check out as a Guest to use your Credit/Debit Card.
Your booster club membership benefits our track athletes! Please join today!
2. Please Order your NEW 2024-2025 Track and Field SPIRIT SHIRTS!
- NEW THIS YEAR the booster club is facilitating the orders for SPIRIT SHIRTS!
- Each Shirt will have the above logo + the Athlete's last name.
- Shirts can be worn by Athletes OR Parents OR Fan Supporters!
- Shirts are $25 / each.
- You can share the following link with supporters, but ATHLETES are responsible for distribution to friends or family.
- Deadline to order is FRIDAY January 24th.
3. Please Order Your Yard Signs & Decals
- Order your Athlete a 24" x 18" Peronalized Aluminum Yard Sign with Stake
- Signs are $80/each and will last throughout their highschool years
- Decals are also available for your Athlete's car or water bottles
- Decals are $10/each personalized or $8/each for non-personalized